Active Release Technique Benefits

Active release therapy, or ART, is a popular healing technique used by chiropractors to treat a variety of soft tissue ailments. If you have tight or damaged muscles, our chiropractors may recommend ART. Ironwood Chiropractic provides active release treatment for patients in and around the Richmond area. If you are considering ART, here are some of the benefits you can expect.

Active Release Technique Prevents Injuries

Injuries can cause scar tissue to develop. Scar tissue causes the muscles to become tight and short, making you more susceptible to muscle and joint injuries. ART breaks up the scar tissue so that you can move freely and reduce the possibility of other injuries.

Active Release Technique Improves Athletic Performance

If you are an athlete, you expect to keep your body limber and flexible to improve your athletic performance. If you have seen your body become more rigid and tense during your performances, ART can help relieve tension and reduce scar tissue.

Active Release Technique Treats Several Conditions

Our chiropractors may recommend ART to treat carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic pain. Additionally, ART can treat compressed nerves that cause pain in the back, glutes, and legs. This therapy can help eliminate your pain and prevent your condition from worsening.

Active Release Technique Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion

Whether you were injured in a car accident or have tight muscles caused by tension and stress, ART can improve your flexibility and help break down the scar tissue causing poor range of motion. If you have joint pain, ART can make a major difference.

Check Out ART for Yourself

Ironwood Chiropractic serves Richmond, offering a variety of chiropractic treatment options. If you are interested in ART, call our office today to schedule your first consultation or to learn more about the other services we offer.



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Primary Office

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10:00 am - 5:00 pm